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Northern Australia Investment Forum

Northern Australia Investment Forum
kununurra Derby Broome karratha port hedland Tom Price Exmouth Carnarvon Geraldton Morawa kalgoorlie Esperance Jurien Bay Northam Mandurah Bunbury margret rever Manjimup Katanning Albany Perth

Regions in
western australia

Select a region from the map or the list below:
  • Kimberley
  • Pilbara
  • Gascoyne
  • Mid West
  • Goldfields - Esperance
  • Wheatbelt
  • Peel
  • South West
  • Great Southern
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Kimberley banner
Meat & Livestock Grains & Feeds Horticulture Aquaculture & Seafood

Size: 423,517 square kilometres (263,161 miles)
Population: 35,000
Commercial centres: Broome; Derby; Halls Creek; Wyndham
Climate: Sub-tropical with distinct wet and dry seasons
Location: Most northern region

Higher education:          
University of Notre Dame, Brome; North Regional TAFE

Unique and dramatic landscape comprised of spectacular gorges, waterfalls, cave systems, rainforest, outback desert and an abundance of wildlife.

  • Port of Broome
  • Port of Derby
  • Port of Wyndam


  • Broome International Airport
  • East Kimberley Regional Airport

Economic Profile 

The Kimberley region has an increasingly diverse regional economy, with opportunities in many industries including mining, construction, tourism, retail and agriculture. Iron Ore is the most valuable mining commodity, followed by diamonds and crude oil, then nickel, cobalt and copper. The Kimberley is recognised for its substantial areas of wilderness and strong biodiversity which drives its tourism industry and provides employment opportunities.
Agriculture is highly valuable to the region and is powered by the state’s largest irrigated agricultural project, the Ord River Irrigated Area. Located near Kununurra this ambitious project to dam the Ord River was undertaken in the 1960’s and has since transformed the region.  
During the wet season the gates open to allow the flood waters to pass through, while limiting flooding of adjacent agricultural land. During the dry season the gates close to allow for water storage and diversion to the irrigation channel, ensuring a year-round supply of water.

Agriculture & Food Industry

Meat & Livestock

Traditionally, the northern Australian beef cattle economy has been based on an extensive farming model whereby cattle that required further fattening prior to slaughter were either transported to southern grazing properties or exported live to Indonesia.
As silage and hay production in the Kimberley has increased and centre pivot irrigated technology has been adopted there has been an expansion of integrated cattle breeding and finishing in the region.
Cattle can now be fattened on site or in nearby feedlots creating a more integrated and efficient system and savings on transport costs.
With considerable land and water resources still available there is potential to expand this integrated beef production model.

Grains and Feeds

The Ord Valley produces a wide range of grains and seeds including sunflower, safflower, maize, grain sorghum, chickpeas, soybean and a wide variety of hybrid seed crops, with an annual production value of between $10–15 million. 
During the wet season fodder crops including sorghum, maize, sudax and millet are grown and converted into hay or bulk stored as silage. Traditionally this fodder has been used as a food store on live export vessels, however producers are now using this resource to fatten cattle on their stations.  
The expansion of wet season cropping and centre pivot irrigation over the past decade has resulted in the expansion of integrated cattle breeding and on-station feed lots.


With its tropical climate, rich fertile soils and abundantly available water, a wide range of fruit and vegetable crops are grown in the region. These crops include melons, pumpkins, mangoes, citrus and bananas. The sector has an annual value of approximately $30 million and provides employment of hundreds of resident and seasonal workers. 
In the West Kimberley the introduction of intensive centre pivot and taped irrigated systems has enabled the expansion of fruit and vegetable cropping in to the area. There are a number of enterprises already taking advantage of the extensive groundwater resources but there are further opportunities to develop in this area. 

Aquaculture & Seafood

The Kimberley is the regional leader of Western Australian aquaculture production with pearling and cage farming of barramundi dominant. With the many bays and strong tidal flows in the Kimberley, there are many suitable sites and opportunities to develop or support other key species. The Aquaculture Park near the port is tenanted by North Regional TAFE and Aqua Broome but has significant capacity to expand diversity of operations and output from this facility.
Barramundi are farmed in Cone Bay (100km from Derby) by Marine Produce Australia. Current production stands at 2,700 tonnes with future production targets of 15,000 tonnes.
There are many opportunities to build on the industry within the region and a number of large projects that will significantly increase regional product are underway.

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Pilbara banner
Meat & Livestock Horticulture Aquaculture & Seafood

Size: 507,896 square kilometres (325 591 miles)
Population: 59,500
Commercial centres: Karratha; Port Hedland; Newman; Onslow; Tom Price
Climate: Semi-arid
Location: North West corner

Higher education:
North Regional TAFE with campuses in Karratha, Newman and Port Hedland, the UWA Rural Clinical School and a CQUniversity distance education study hub.
A stunning array of natural wonders including gorges, ravines, waterfalls, billabongs, vast red deserts and offshore islands.

  • Port Hedland
  • Dampier
  • Karratha
  • Onslow


  • Karratha
  • Port Hedland International Airports

Economic Profile

The Pilbara is the economic powerhouse of both Western Australia and the nation. The Pilbara produces 99% of Western Australia’s iron ore and approximately two thirds of Australia’s oil and gas. The economic value of the region’s mineral wealth equates to more than 40% of regional Western Australia’s Gross Regional Product.

The region also possesses incredible natural beauty which attracts more than 100,000 visitors every year. A combination of its national parks, stunning landscapes, islands and beaches, as well as cultural and heritage attractions such as historic rock art, art galleries, historic settlements and cultural events makes the Pilbara a desirable tourist destination.

Agriculture & Food Industry

Aquaculture & Seafood

The Pilbara’s extensive and relatively population-free coastline and inland areas make it ideal for aquaculture with numerous sites potentially suited for land and marine based developments. The vast quantities of fresh water associated with mining activities from dewatering and mine pit lakes, in addition to artesian sources, also presents opportunities for inland aquaculture.
Research has identified a number of species as potentially suited for aquaculture in the Pilbara including edible oysters, three finfish species (amberjack, yellowfin tuna and mahi mahi) and algae. A research and development project will commence offshore of Karratha in the Dampier Archipelago in 2017 to test the viability of growing edible rock oysters in the Pilbara.

Meat & Livestock

The Pilbara’s current agricultural industry primarily consists of live cattle production and export. The expansion of the livestock export industry is a potential option to increase economic activity. A feasibility assessment into the expansion of existing, or the development of new, holding yard infrastructure in Port Hedland is currently underway. A second study is also underway to investigate the feasibility of constructing a truck wash-down facility in Port Hedland to reduce transport costs and improve export capacity.
Further development of irrigated agriculture in the region may facilitate growth of the Port Hedland live export industry by establishing a local feed source for cattle fattening, holding yard maintenance diets, and export feed requirements.


The Pilbara has a vast amount of undeveloped land, world-class export infrastructure, nutrient-rich soil and available water sources suitable for large-scale horticulture developments.
The region also has unique assets in both ground water resources and surplus water from mine dewatering processes, which are conducted as part of mining activities. The opportunity to use these various water resources is currently being assessed, particularly in relation to re-using the water in an irrigated agriculture project with two trials currently underway in the region. The trials will also assess the suitability of different crop varieties for the Pilbara’s climate.
A separate feasibility study is also underway to assess the economic viability of intensive agriculture using renewable energy, salt water-cooled greenhouses and CO2 sequestration to produce high value crops at an industrial location near Karratha.  

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Gascoyne banner
Meat & Livestock Horticulture Premium Food & Beverages Aquaculture & Seafood

Size: 137 988 square kilometres (53 277 square miles)
Population: 10 300
Commercial centres: Carnarvon; Exmouth; Shark Bay;  Upper Gascoyne
Climate: Semi-arid to subtropical, with average annual rainfall between 200-300mm. Temperatures are warm to hot, with an average of 320 days of sunshine each year
Location: North-west coast

Higher education:
Central Regional TAFE

Rich in resource and investment potential, the Gascoyne extends along 600km of the Indian Ocean coastline and around 500km inland. The vast coastal area incorporates internationally recognised features such as the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area, Cape Range National Park, Shark Bay World Heritage Area, Monkey Mia, and Coral Bay. The hinterland includes the amazing wonders of Kennedy Range and Mt Augustus National Parks.


  • Carnarvon Airport
  • Learmouth Airport

Economic Profile

The major industries are tourism, mining, horticulture, retail, fishing, and pastoralism. There are many positives, particularly its strong tourism appeal, sound environmental management, relatively good water resources, broad economic base and climate. 
The Gascoyne possesses a number of competitive advantages including a steady population; strategic horticulture, livestock and inland aquaculture production capacity within an ideal sub-tropical environment; concentration of diverse tourist activities and amenities with increasing exposure to international markets; increasingly diversified economy; coastal orientation; and proximity to major energy and mineral resources projects with opportunities to tap into project supply chains.

Tourism, retail, government services, and horticulture provide the most jobs within the Gascoyne. There are a wide range of fisheries in Shark Bay, Carnarvon, Coral Bay and Exmouth, pastoral stations inland, and an abundance of horticultural properties around Carnarvon.

Agriculture & Food Industry

Meat & Livestock

The pastoral industry within the Gascoyne is well established. Current reports estimate the region has a herd of around 80,000 cattle following steady yet variable growth since the 1990s.
Consistent rains and high stock prices have contributed to recent strong industry values and demand for pastoral leases. The viability of re-establishing meat processing facilities in the Gascoyne is currently being investigated for the processing of beef, sheep and goats. 


Based primarily along the Gascoyne River, the region produces a large proportion of Western Australia’s winter vegetables and summer fruits, with the value of production exceeding $97 million in 2016.
The Gascoyne’s horticultural sector significantly contributes to Western Australia’s total production value of bananas, capsicums, mangoes, tomatoes  and melons.  The area of land zoned for horticulture in Carnarvon is 2000 hectares, with an extra 400 hectares of horticultural land recently rezoned and being prepared for release.  

Aquaculture & Seafood

Three of the State’s more valuable commercial fisheries operate in the Gascoyne region, being the Shark Bay Prawn, Exmouth Gulf Prawn and Shark Bay Scallop fisheries. The combined catch of prawns, scallops, crabs and fish averages over $40 million per annum.

Growing demand and a developing aquaculture industry will be the catalyst for the sustainable growth of the region's fishing industry and its expansion into new markets. The pristine waters of the Gascoyne provide the perfect marine environment for aquaculture, with water temperatures ranging from 22°C to 28°C. Many natural incubators such as coral reef, sand flats and seagrass beds provide superior breeding grounds, fish nurseries and feeding habitats. Complemented by a sub-tropic climate, secure water supply and relatively unpopulated land, the Gascoyne boasts opportunities for coral aquaculture, ranching, an expanded fishing presence and farming; prawns, aquarium, oysters and giant clams.

Premium Food & Beverages

30-40% of horticultural produce does not currently meet market standards due to being a little too ripe or having a few blemishes.   This produce is either disposed of on farm or taken to landfill.  A waste reduction initiative is currently underway to identify potential premium, value-added Gascoyne products that have market potential.  The project will seek to produce identified products in a commercial setting and then to assess market and economic feasibility.   There is therefore significant potential to stimulate business development and enhance regional employment opportunities in this sector.

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Mid West banner
Mid West
Meat & Livestock Grains & Feeds Horticulture Aquaculture & Seafood Premium Food & Beverages

Size: 478,000 square kilometres (184,556 square miles)
Population: 58,000
Commercial centres: Geraldton; Meekatharra; Morawa
Climate: Mediterranean with hot, dry summers and cold, dry winters
Location: Centrally located between Perth and the state’s north

Higher education:          
Geraldton Universities Centre; Central Regional TAFE (Geraldton)

340km of expansive coastline dominated by limestone cliffs and protected beaches, with scenic saline plains and breakaways, seasonal wildflowers, native flora and fauna, and extensive river and creek systems.

Geraldton Port
Geraldton Airport

Economic Profile 

The Mid West boasts a diverse regional economy built around mining, fishing, agriculture and tourism, with a variety of employment opportunities.
Its mineral rich hinterland borders the Pilbara and Goldfields-Esperance regions and fuels the Mid West’s most valuable sector and is one of Australia's most diverse mining provinces.
The Mid West is one of the largest agricultural regions in Western Australia. In 2011–12 the region had approximately 17.8 million hectares allocated to agriculture, shared across an estimated 1,000 establishments and produced agricultural goods with a total value of $1 billion.
The region has the state’s largest fishing industry making up approximately 39% of the fisheries[1] value and an emerging aquaculture sector.

Agriculture & Food Industry

Meat & Livestock

Cattle and sheep are the region’s dominant livestock, with poultry, pigs and goats also produced. Approximately half of the cattle sold are exported – around three-quarters live and one-quarter as boxed meat.
Around two-thirds of sheep meat is exported – either live or in boxed form. Sheep disposals were valued at approximately $27 million in 2012-13 (8% of WA’s total). 

Grains & Feeds

Around 80% of the value of Mid West agricultural production is typically from cropping enterprises.  The region’s mainstay broad-acre crops are wheat, canola and lupins. 


The Mid West’s optimal growing features are widely recognised and horticulture includes both outdoor and undercover growing. With the current local undercover vegetable market estimated at $20 million, the Mid West horticulture industry is a small but not insignificant part of the national market at approximately 4.15%. The region is known for its cucumber, tomato, capsicum, eggplants and olives.

Aquaculture & Seafood

In 2013–14, the Mid West produced fisheries products with a total estimated value of $161 million, accounting for 39% of the state’s fisheries value. Rock lobster fishery is the biggest production, with other significant products including pearling, prawns, scallops, abalone and finfish. Finfish caught commercially off the Mid West includes tuna, mackerel, snapper, dhufish, swordfish and shark. Pearl aquaculture is well established in the Abrolhos Islands. Other aquaculture is developing in the region with several trials already undertaken or planned. Species trialled include yellow tail kingfish snapper, mulloway, seahorse, octopus and ornamental fish at various scales.

Premium Food & Beverages

The Mid West is home to a number of entrepreneurs who are developing products for export. One of the region’s most successful stories is that of the internationally recognised Illegal Tender Rum Co, a boutique rum distillery that creates, arguably the best rum Australia has to offer using Australian bush tucker ingredients to provide its distinctive products. 

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Goldfields - Esperance banner
Goldfields - Esperance
Meat & Livestock Grains & Feeds Aquaculture & Seafood

Size: 771,276 square kilometres (479,248 square miles)
Population: 60,000
Commercial centres: Kalgoorlie; Esperance
Climate: Usually hot and dry (around 250 mm rainfall per year) with a cooler and more reliable rainfall in the Esperance Ravensthorpe region (between 400 - 620 mm per year)
Location: Central and South-eastern corner 

Higher education:          
Curtin University School of Mines Kalgoorlie Campus, Central Regional TAFE, South Regional TAFE, Esperance Farm Training Centre. 

From the Golden Outback, to rugged red earth and sweeping snow-white beaches of the South Coast.

  • Esperance Port


  • Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport
  • Esperance Airport

Kalgoorlie Boulder is the junction of the Trans Australia east west railway artery and the rail line from Leonora in the North-east goldfields to Esperance on the South Coast. Both lines are standard gauge.

Economic Profile

The Goldfields-Esperance region has a mixed economy with significant natural resources and diverse industries, including retail, education, tourism, agriculture, health and social services, mining, manufacturing, mining services and construction.
In 2012-13 agricultural production for the Goldfields Esperance region was estimated at $646 million accounting for 8% of the States total agricultural value. Crops particularly wheat, barley and canola are the region’s most valuable agricultural commodity accounting for approximately 89% of the regions total agricultural production in 2012-2013.

Commercial and recreational fishing in the region occurs along the coastlines of the Shires of Esperance and Ravensthorpe. The total value of the fishing industry is estimated at $10 million with the major fishery being abalone, pilchards and a demersal gill net fishery for sharks. Other smaller commercial fisheries are the long-standing beach seine fishery for WA salmon and herring, a trap fishery targeting southern rock lobster, octopus and deep water crabs, and an intermittent scallop fishery.
The region also has a long, rich association with gold mining and is the premier producer for the state. Nickel also features with strong production and healthy reserves. Gold and other mining related tourism is a strong contributor to the region's economy, along with the attraction of its culture and natural environments. 

Agriculture & food Industry

Meat & Livestock

Southern parts of the region, including the Shires of Esperance and Ravensthorpe, contain its most valuable agricultural and fishing areas and intensive livestock production.
Livestock disposals and livestock products constitute other significant agricultural products from the region. Livestock disposals largely consist of cattle, sheep, pig and goat production, with wool being the most significant livestock product.

Grains & Feeds

The region offers an exciting range of opportunities for crop diversification, industry research and development, and value adding manufacturing and processing with productive land, a favourable climate and reliable rainfall on offer. Crops, particularly wheat, barley and canola, are the region’s most valuable agricultural commodity, accounting for approximately 89% of the value of the total agricultural production (2012-13).

Aquaculture & Seafood

The Southern Ocean provides the region with significant economic opportunity through commercial fishing, aquaculture and recreational fishing. There are 30 hectares of land zoned for commercial fishing, industry support, seafood handling and processing available at Bandy Creek Boat Harbour in Esperance. The area has the potential to readily provide for future waterside landing facilities associated with aquaculture and marine farming operations, and is appropriately zoned for aquaculture.


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Wheatbelt banner
Meat & Livestock Grains & Feeds Horticulture Premium Food & Beverages Aquaculture & Seafood
Size: 154,862 square kilometres (96,226 square miles)
Population: 75,000 
Commercial centres:  Northam; Jurien Bay; Merredin; Moora; Narrogin
Climate: Hot dry summers and mild winters
Location: Central Western Australia
Higher education:
Central Regional TAFE, Southern Regional TAFE, Muresk Institute and WA Colleges of Agriculture in Cunderdin and Narrogin.

Agricultural areas, natural bushland, national parks/reserves renowned for incredibly diverse animal and plant life and iconic attractions such as Wave Rock and The Pinnacles.

The Wheatbelt has access to 6 ports

  • Esperance
  • Albany
  • Bunbury
  • Kwinana
  • Fremantle
  • Geraldton 

Economic Profile

The Wheatbelt is the largest producing region in the state, accounting for approximately 41% of the state’s total agricultural production valued at $3.4 billion in 2015–16.  
The Wheatbelt’s economy is diverse and has strong mining, transport and logistics, manufacturing and construction sectors. The region produces a variety of minerals with iron ore the dominant commodity by value, as well as gypsum, nickel, copper, salt, gold and natural gas. Other basic raw resources including clay, gravel and limestone are significant for the development of the state.
Tourism is a significant contributor to the region’s economy, welcoming over 600,000 overnight visitors annually.

Agriculture & Food Industry

Meat & Livestock

The Wheatbelt is the largest producer of WA’s livestock and livestock products, by value, including meat, wool and eggs worth $853 million in 2015-16 and accounts for 32% of the State’s total.
Intensive livestock industries such as chicken/egg and pork production have experienced significant growth in the Wheatbelt with further expansion expected in response to increasing global demand and relocation of Perth based industry. The Avon and Central Coast sub-regions are key areas for investment as they are close to Perth with easy access to Fremantle and Geraldton ports to supply international markets.

Grains & Feeds

Grain production is the largest agricultural industry in WA and includes wheat, barley and canola. The Wheatbelt has a significant grains industry worth over $2.3 billion in 2015-16, with majority being exported. Export destinations for grains and feed include a range of countries mainly throughout Asia and the Middle East.
These broadacre grains are generally exported in bulk, raw form. There are significant investment opportunities in value adding of these commodities. The Region has an extensive hay production and processing industry, valued at $99 million in 2015-16. Western Australia is the largest producer of export quality hay in Australia and the majority of this is grown and processed in the Wheatbelt.



The peri-urban areas of the Wheatbelt, particularly the Shires of Chittering, Dandaragan and Gingin are significant areas for horticulture production. The Wheatbelt accounted for 14.9% of WA’s horticulture production worth $126.4 million in 2015-16 and this is increasing rapidly. As the metropolitan area expands into the traditional produce growing areas north of Perth, horticultural activity is expanding into the Wheatbelt.  The Central Coast sub-region is suitable for further investment due to proximity to domestic markets, access to ports and the airport and ideal soil, water and growing conditions.

Aquaculture & Seafood

The Central Coast sub-region has a vast coastline of temperate waters and is home to a lucrative fishing industry. The Jurien Bay coast is favourable to the production of a range of species including yellowtail kingfish. The Western Rock Lobster industry is well established and a significant employer in the Region. The Wheatbelt aquaculture industry also includes live and bottled yabbies and abalone production for local markets and export to Asia, Europe and the United States. 

Premium Foods and Beverages
A range of premium and niche foods are produced in the Wheatbelt for both export and local markets. Premium grains including quinoa produced in the Wheatbelt South sub-region and barley and premium wheat varieties across the Wheatbelt are internationally renowned for their high quality. Livestock products including premium lamb and beef are exported to high value Asian and international markets.  The State’s largest citrus producer located in the Central Coast sub-region exports high quality citrus for Chinese markets. Production of other high quality horticultural products including carrots, berries and corn is increasing in the Central Coast sub-region.
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Peel banner
Meat & Livestock Horticulture Premium Food & Beverages Dairy

Size: 5,648 square kilometres (3,509 square miles)
Population:130,000 people
Commercial centre: Mandurah
Climate: Temperate with moderate rainfall 
Location: 75km south of Perth

Higher education:          
Murdoch University, Mandurah campus and Whitby Falls Farm; South Metropolitan TAFE, Mandurah campus
Pristine coastline and urban, agricultural and horticultural land. It includes 137 square kilometres of inland waterways, with 23 rivers, streams and creeks.


  • Kwinana Port 
  • Fremantle Port 


  • Perth International Airport 

Economic Profile

By 2050, the Peel is expected to be one of the most populated regions outside of Perth with a projected population of 444,000. To support a population of this size the Peel will build an economy that incorporates many industries, adopts an innovative approach to business, and has a highly skilled and high performing workforce.
The Peel’s largest industries are alumina, gold and copper production, along with mining and mineral processing. Its abundance of mineral reserves includes the world’s largest bauxite mine, mineral sands and Australia’s largest producing gold mine.

Agriculture is a significant contributor to the Peel region’s economy and contributes approximately 3% to the value of Western Australia’s agricultural production. Investment into science, technology and innovation will enable the region to significantly expand this sector.  


Agriculture & Food Industry 

Meat & Livestock

Approximately 25% of WA’s live pig production is in the Peel, predominantly in the Shire of Murray and Serpentine-Jarrahdale. Export opportunities for pork are excellent and are part of the discussions with Singapore under a new initiative,Transform Peel.
Chicken and egg production are strong industries with approximately 50% of the state’s live chicken production in the region. A considerable amount of chicken waste is converted to organic compost, another key industry in the Peel.
Egg production is also an important sector with several small to mid-size operators in the region. There are significant opportunities to increase the production of chickens and egg for the Asian export market.
Beef cattle farming is dominant with approximately 4% of the Western Australian beef herd, supporting notable wagyu and clover feed beef enterprises. There is also a strategic opportunity to develop abattoir facilities in the Peel for meat processing.


Peel has an expanding fruit and vegetable production sector. Growing table grapes for export and grapes for wine production is also expanding rapidly across the Peel.
The Transform Peel initiative, supported by the State Government, has seen production shifting from historically in-ground to new growing technologies. New and innovative ag-technology is being explored, including above-ground, closed loop, vertical farms, ultra-violet, LED, hydroponic and aquaponic systems. This approach will go some way to reducing nutrient flow in the Peel-Harvey catchment area, adopting sustainable water management, and increasing ag-tech related employment. It will also provide significant opportunities for agri-food processing value-add.


There are several small to mid-sized dairies in the region. Improved genetics, improved farm management systems and adoption of top range technology are key aspects of the Transform Peel initiative to enhance the viability of this sector.

Aquaculture & Seafood

Since June 2016, blue swimmer crabs and mullet caught from the Peel-Harvey Estuary by commercial fishers have been sold at seafood outlets carrying the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) eco label. This trademark blue tick ensures the seafood is caught using sustainable fishing practices according to the MSC standard. In a world first, recreational fishing for blue swimmer crabs has also been certified as sustainable by MSC.

Premium Food & Beverages

In addition to the Peel produced wines, there are also a number of the notable food and beverage firms operating in the region that produce gourmet meats, cheese and yoghurt, as well as a boutique brewery. Honey production is another new and developing prospect for the Peel region.

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South West banner
South West
Meat & Livestock Horticulture Premium Food & Beverages Dairy Aquaculture & Seafood

Size: 24,000 square kilometres (9,266 square miles)
Population: 164,000
Commercial centres: Bunbury
Climate: Mediterranean with pleasant summers and winter rainfall
Location: South west corner

Higher education:          
Edith Cowan University; South Regional TAFE (Bunbury) 

Renowned for its wine regions, fine food, stunning beaches, forests, underground cave systems, rivers and wetlands and national parks.
Bunbury Port.

Busselton-Margaret River Regional Airport

Economic Profile

The South West has a broad economic base, with mining, manufacturing, construction, tourism, agriculture and timber processing key elements.
Mining and minerals form the region’s largest industry sector, including the extraction of coal, mineral sands, spodumene, tantalum and tin. Manufacturing includes that of timber products, food and beverage enterprises. The region holds fertile soils for agriculture which includes dairy, beef, sheep, viticulture and horticulture.
Tourism is also a significant industry. The Margaret River region is an internationally recognised brand which helps attract 86% of overseas tourist visitation to the South West.

Agriculture & Food Industry

Meat & Livestock

The South West region is Western Australia's leading supplier of beef cattle. Processing of prime beef for export occurs at a large abattoir near Harvey. The region also exports exotic meats including deer, emu, ostrich and goats which are bred in the South West.


Milk from the region is primarily processed as fluid milk for the domestic market. A small manufacturing industry processes surplus milk into butter, cheese, dried milk powder, cream, long life milk, yoghurts, desserts and other products for domestic and export markets.


Most vegetables are sold to the Perth market, but increasingly a share is exported to South East Asia. Varieties include potatoes, carrots, broccoli, onions, cauliflowers, tomatoes, pumpkin, beans, lettuce, capsicum, chillies, zucchini and cabbage.
Orchard fruits and grapes (used for winemaking) dominate production in the region. Varieties include table and wine grapes, apples, oranges, plums, prunes, pears, avocados, nashi pears, nectarines, peaches, cherries, apricots, kiwifruit and berries.

Aquaculture & Seafood

Fishing is smaller than other industries in the South West, but is still an important contributor both commercially and as a recreational pursuit. Commercial fleets operate out of Augusta, Bunbury, Busselton, Dunsborough, Walpole and Windy Harbour. Species caught off the South West coast include shark, mullet, whiting, herring, dhufish, snapper and lobster.
Freshwater species including marron, yabbies, silver perch and trout are farmed inland. Marron is mostly farmed in purpose-built, semi-intensive pond systems in the lower South West.

Premium Food & Beverages

Viticulture production in the South West had an estimated value of $58.3 million in 2012, with 47,603 tonnes of grapes crushed. The Margaret River wine region is well known for its premium varieties, producing 75% of the region's wine. However, wine is also produced in the Geographe, Pemberton and Blackwood Valley areas.

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Great Southern banner
Great Southern
Meat & Livestock Grains & Feeds Horticulture Premium Food & Beverages Dairy Aquaculture & Seafood

Size: 39,007 square kilometres (15,060 square miles)
Population: 60,000
Commercial centres:  Albany; Denmark; Gnowangerup; Katanning; Kojonup; Mount Barker
Climate: Maritime, with cool, wet winters and warm, dry summers
Location: South coast bordering the Southern Ocean

Higher education:          
University of Western Australia, Albany Centre; South Regional TAFE

From mallee scrub in the north-east to karri forests in the south-west, with the ancient hills of the Stirling and Porongurup Ranges in the centre of the region flanking the Kalgan River valley.
Port of Albany

Albany Airport

Economic Profile

The Great Southern is the second largest agricultural region in the state with the key sectors being grains and livestock. Tourism is another significant contributor to the region’s economy, which has a full range of world class tourist attractions and a diverse natural environment. The region hosts a range of major events, activities and attractions which support its growing tourism industry. Viticulture is a mature industry in the Great Southern. Ideally located for cool-climate grape production, Mount Barker and Frankland River regions account for the majority of current production.

Agriculture & Food Industry

Meat & Livestock

Livestock disposals constitute about 20% of the region’s agricultural value, and this is predominantly from the export of processed sheep and lambs. Wool remains a major livestock product and generates approximately 15% of the overall returns from the agriculture sector.
The region supports three export sheep abattoirs, two of which are major processors supplying final markets in North America, Asia and the Middle East. The overall production of meat and livestock continues to diversify and includes increasing amounts of free range chicken and pork. There is a growth in beef cattle feedlots and milk and eggs are also marketed from the region.
Investment opportunities exist for further value-adding to the production and processing of meat and livestock across the Great Southern.

Grains & Feeds

The Great Southern produces 12% of the total value of Western Australia’s crop production. The major plantings for human consumption include wheat, barley, oats and canola. Oaten hay for animal fodder is also an important commodity. The value of grains and feeds has steadily grown over the past decade.
The region’s counter-seasonal production advantages, the capacity to rotate crops, easy access to the Port of Albany and a reputation for safe, high quality products provide opportunities for a steady increase in agricultural exports.


Lower land costs and a favourable climate make the south coast in particular a prime location for establishing a large scale dairy operation. Ideal climatic conditions, including extended and plentiful rain, with specific coastal advantages contribute to greater cow comfort and reliable grain and pasture production.
There is the opportunity to establish a large scale ‘greenfields’ dairy farm for the production of high quality milk. An operation of between 1,000 and 6,000 head, based on a vertically integrated business model comprised of feed mixing, milk production and processing all under one company and possibly at a single location, would provide significant economies of scale needed to compete in domestic and international markets. 


The region has a reputation for supplying safe, quality assured products. It has ideal cool climate growing conditions, with clean air and consistent rainfall.
A range of vegetables and fruits are under production and the opportunity exists for further production of fruits and vegetables, including Asian vegetables, and in value added processing of vegetables for export.
Extensive groundwater resources have recently been identified across the lower Great Southern.  Information has now been produced in a series of maps which delineate prospective zones, depth, quality and potential quantity of water.

Aquaculture & Seafood

Ocean and estuary waters of the Great Southern have proven production capability for marine aquaculture. Deep bays provide consistent water quality and temperature and the growing seasons are free of extremes of temperature and dry periods. Comprehensively researched Aquaculture Development Zones are being planned for the south coast, which will significantly facilitate the project approvals process for investors. Albany Aquaculture Park on the shores of King George Sound currently provides one-hectare serviced sites for lease.
The establishment of a multi-species shellfish hatchery at Albany (currently under construction) will drive an expansion of aquaculture throughout the state by providing industry with a consistent supply of spat across a variety of species. Opportunities exist in the production of a range of seafood including abalone, mussels, oysters and finfish.

Premium Food & Beverages

The Great Southern has an adequate supply of industrial land suitably zoned, and services for food processing. High quality transport infrastructure is also in place, including road, rail and port facilities.
Product opportunities include malt production from local barley, oilseed processing from canola, oat milling, specialty flour production from wheat, beef, pork, chicken and dairy processing.
Region based production of wine, whisky, beer and other beverages has established national and international reputations and the potential for further development.
Integration of the food sector with tourism, including wine and gourmet trails, also represents a major opportunity.